

A specialist, it not specialising, I marry creative flair and digital understanding with strategic insight to deliver exceptional brand experiences that work seamlessly both on and offline.


— Senator 


Rooted in research into emerging models in higher education, CoLab designed by Pearson Lloyd, offers workspaces and institutions a versatile modular furniture system that empowers shared learning and collaboration.

Senator is a brand that stands for Engineering Possibility. The launch of CoLab is just the start of new path to showcase it’s 45 year history of creating market leading products.

Area of expertise: Art-direction, Copywriting, Design, Strategy

Made to inspire
— Senator  |  Allermuir 


Sketch is our forum to showcase new ideas, trends, opinions, and product, from both Senator and Allermuir. Two completely different brands but with one vision; to create innovative products for the workplace.

Sketch was born out of the idea to inspire. Every issue contains three themes: product, ideas and opinions. These themes inform the content for every issue. 

Available in print and online.

Area of expertise: Art-direction, Copywriting, Design, Editorial

Thought Starter 0.8
— Learning to not know.


How much time do you give to experimenting and trying new things, without the fear of needing a commercial outcome or deliverable?

What if there was no brief or client? What would you make? What are you interested in? What are the things you get out of bed for?

Having the time to experiment is vital to keeping things successful but it’s all to easy to deliver what you know when you’re everything is needed not today but yesterday.

We all crave something new but stepping out of your comfort zone and stopping to ask new questions might help inform, and improve, what you already know.

So what’s the outcome?

Have the confidence in yourself to know that even when you’re up against the churn of constant deadlines, stepping back to try something new isn’t time waste but time gained.

Illustration by Developments.

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